
Stori was a collaborative project with Felicia Lawrence and Tyfanny Tiarasaty, in which we were tasked with creating a product or service that assisted young people (18-25) while travelling. We conducted surveys with people who fell into this age range, using feedback to develop stori.

stori is a mobile app where you can view user’s stori’s based on your real-time location. stori’s are fun, entertaining anecdotes that also inform the reader about a small cultural difference or faux pas, allowing them to navigate the small interactions we often forget to plan for much easier.

I was responsible for the core idea of stori, as well as the monetisation plan, something that was required for this project. I also created the structure of the app, as well as the the stylistic direction and rollout plan. However, stori was a highly collaborative project, one that wouldn’t have been as well informed and well executed without Felicia and Tyfanny’s contributions.

Stori was so fun and fulfilling to work on as we got to directly interact with the audience for some effective design thinking. Beyond this, I got to work collaboratively while creating a beautiful style and unique brand.


In Use

This user is receiving stori’s based on Nepal, as they are currently walking down the streets of Nepal. Stori’s show up to user’s when they are in the proximity of the location that a stori was posted in, making them directly relevant to the user who’s currently reading it.

Stori’s purposefully clean and simple, making for intuitive navigation, while using only a small amount of data. This simplicity also makes the app easy to use while on the go, as it’s clearly legible and digestible.


navigation loop

stori has a simple, effective core loop of choosing to browse stori’s, deciding whether to engage with that stori by leaving a comment, reaction or visiting the posters profile, followed by continuing to swipe through more stori’s, intermittently being interrupted by advertisements.



These advertisements are highly relevant to the user. A business can buy ad space based on real world locations. As the example above shows, Fondazione Memmo could buy ad space on Via del Corso, meaning that any stori user travelling down that street while using the app will get an advertisement for Fondazione Memmo, as well as the option to receive directions to that locations. This lets tourists who are not familiar with the location to get relevant, helpful suggestions, and allows the business to further capitalise on their location while still directly interacting with individuals.



The initial sketches I made of stori’s structure. These show a more complex application that had more points of direct interaction, but ultimately distracted from the core idea; a simple, easy to use service that is to be consumed in small, entertaining bursts. Some of this interaction, like comments and getting directions still exists, but is behind 1 tap, allowing it to retain simplicity without sacrificing functionality.