A comparison of the first “Stillmatic” cover I made In 2015 and the revision I made In 2018.

A comparison of the first “Stillmatic” cover I made In 2015 and the revision I made In 2018.

Design and nathan duncan

In 2015 I first listened to the album “Stillmatic” by Nas. I loved the album, but thought the cover was really ugly, so I made my own using some Photoshop skills I’d picked up. This was where I got my start In design. I’ve now design around 100 alternate covers over the last few years.

I’m now in my final year at Billy Bllue College of Design, studying a Bachelor of Communications Design. Over my time at Billy Blue i’ve learnt some 3D and 2D animation, web design/coding, motion graphics, graphic design, layout design, and typography. Most Importantly, I’ve learnt how to use design thinking to create holistic, practical solutions to problems.

I understand the Importance of collaboration, and I’m always looking to understand things from a different perspective. I’m a good communicator and If need be, I’ll take on a leadership role. In this role I ensure decisions are made democratically and that everyone gets a chance to share their opinions and ideas.